

         The global elitist are at the cutting block deciding how to shape our planet. These are the people who decided everything from money distribution, state of health, food engineering and distribution, water supply, population control, religion. Basically everything that shapes society around the planet. This is the deception that so many people don't understand, and it's this deception that can only be stopped by awareness.

        The only way humans will create a peaceful and sustainable planet is when the emotion of greed subsides and people learn to work together in their communities. It's when life doesn't become about winning but about living.

        I find it interesting how so much of the American population believes in the christian bible and the teachings of Jesus, who's values are love and compassion. But where is this love and compassion?? This is part of the Deception, the deception that if you go to church that your a good person. HA! Look at Bill O'Railly, he's a devoted christian, but how often does he express love and compassion? The guy's an asshole.

       Look, I'm not trying to attack religion, but it's important to understand that it's all a part of the deception. If the United States is a Christian Nation, how come it doesn't act like one? Would you say "Oh America, that's the country of love and compassion" no. America is a nation built on murder and greed.

      Well, were do we go from here? It's simple really,  humans in some parts of the world have been doing it for hundreds of years. It's not about winning, but living. It's about community. It's about a mutual respect for everyone. Once you think you're better then someone else, you've lost it. Bill Gates is no different from a bum, their both human, the separation is material. Love and compassion is not something that can be put on a charge card but only expressed through human emotion.

     Don't be deceived by the fear and hatred that's consistently probed into the minds of people by the global elitist via mass media. Become aware of what is really being thrown at you. Once you start to analyze the consistent conditioning that the global elitist are doing to society, you will become aware within time. Try to listen to your inner-self, and trust your personal feelings. Just because someone says somethings good for you doesn't mean it's true. Why do people lie? To get ahead, to win, to be number one, to sell more product. This is the emotion of greed. Don't allow the deception of your own reality, become reality.

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